Wednesday, December 23, 2009


When your mind is barred
and your heart is steeled,
When your blood feels cold
and your skin feels dried,
Even through caresses
and sweet, loving kisses,

When your whole is thrown
into self-control,
When your life becomes
an empty mess,

When scratching
and clawing
and banding
and cutting
don't help,

When you strive for sleep
for what dreams you may,
When you imagine
90 ways, and smile,

When nobody even cares––
not enough to simply see
All the hatred you contain
for your simple existence

When they finally do,
it's already too late.
You'll soon be but a corpse
And even through caresses,
And sweet, loving kisses,
Your life remains the same––
Some young man's memories

I hope you like the title… It's thanks to Sarah. :-D


  1. what does 3A mean?

  2. I was actually speaking to a friend, trying to come up with a name for it… She came up with a dreadful name, so I replied, "I might as well just call it "Emoetry 3-A."

    She decided 3A would be a great name, and I agreed. :-D

  3. well in that case,
    i love you even more than i did before
